Many of our students have gotten into their dream school just by using these FREE resources!
Do NOT Submit Your Common App Without Reading This! | 7 Deadly Sins
I've been meeting with many seniors recently and have seen the same 6 problems repeatedly showing up in your essays.
Kevin Zhen
Write a STELLAR Common App Essay: The 3-Scene Montage Structure
This structure is perfect for students who want to include a key moment in their essay but don't know how, students who have an incomplete
The Common App Essay That Got Him Into Yale + Featured on the NY Times | Jeffrey Yu
Welcome back, friends! Today, I have an exciting treat to share with you all! My dear friend (and co-founder) Jeff, has offered to share...
The 7 Laws of College Admissions
Welcome back my dear virtual little siblings! Today we are here to discuss the seven holy commandments of college admissions.
5 Common App Essay Mistakes To Stop Doing Yesterday
Hello there, my friends! I'm Kevin Zhen, Exeter grad, Yale grad, amateur breakdancer, and a professional college counselor who’s edited
The BIGGEST College Essay Mistake You Can Make
After reading hundreds of college essays, I am still utterly shocked at how often this occurs. It happens in 90 to 95% of the essays that
This SECRET Rubric Got Our Students Into Every Ivy League School
After reading not dozens but HUNDREDS of Common App essays over the past few years, my co-founder Jeffrey Yu,
The Best Way to Start & End a College Essay in 2024
Every year, two of the biggest issues that I see in college essays are weak hooks and poor conclusions.
How to Fill Out the Common App Activities Section in 2024 (The RIGHT Way)
Every admissions cycle, students ask us how to fill out the activities list section of the Common App.
Shocked at my Yale Admissions File | The Truth About Questbridge, Essays and Recommendations
Hey everyone, my name is Kevin Zhen, a Yale grad and co-founder of the ElevatEd School, where we focus on critical thinking and storytelling
The Common App Essay That Got Me Into the Ivy League (Yale and Princeton)
Hey there, friend! My name is Kevin Zhen, and in May 2020, I graduated from Yale with a degree in East Asian Studies.
How to Get Into Harvard with a Potato
Hey there, my dear virtual little siblings! Today, I've got a spud-tacular (wink) plan to get you into Harvard, or any Ivy League school for